VGA Planets The Shareware Version by Tim Wisseman Copyright 1991-1996 Windows Shareware version of the world famous play-by-email game. Included in this file set is a sample result file ( PLAYER11.RST ) you can unpack this file (using the winplan UNPACK button) to see a sample of what WINPLAN looks like, in mid game. This is the Version 3.5 Shareware version of VGA Planets for MS Windows. It contains all the files needed to host and play in the games of VGA Planets with people on BBS systems running games as well as in internet games. See the file BBS1994.DOC for a list of BBS systems running games. One of the best places to find a game of VGA Planets is America Online Goto Keyword: VGAP Goto Keyword: VGA Planets Goto Keyword: OGF An updated version of this BBS1994.DOC list can be found on my BBS (209) 877-4921 or ftp site: These files may be uploaded to BBS systems / ftp sites and may be made part of a CD collection of shareware programs. To make a three disk 1.44meg set of shareware version of this program place the files on the disks in this order: Disk 3: vpbmp1.xx_ vpbmp5.xx_ vpbmp6.xx_ Disk 2: vpbmp2.xx_ vpbmp3.xx_ vpbmp4.xx_ Disk 1: All other files ----------------------- Tim Wisseman PO Box 204 North Fork CA 93643 Email: BBS (209) 877-4921 ---------------------- SOFTWARE ORDER FORM FOR 1996 - 1997 Name______________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________State_________ZIP_______________ Country (if outside USA) __________________________ Disk size: 3 1/2" 1.44M | Europe USA | Asia Which item(s) do you wish to order. North | Africa America | Australia [ ] VGA Planets 3.00 DOS registered version ( $15 ) | $17 Air (with the latest HOST.EXE) | [ ] Planets 3.5 for Windows ( $20 ) | $20 Air (plus mini-manual) [ ] VGA Planets starcharts set ( four 8 1/2" X 11" ) ( $3 ) | $3 Air ____ additional starchart sets ( $1 ) | $1 Air | [ ] 16" X 16" Plastic starmap ( $9 ) | $12 Air | [ ] VGA Planets Complete Users Manuel ( $23 ) | $35 Air or 8.5" X 11" 129 pages in color | $23 Surface By: Dave Killingsworth | Mail | [ ] VGA Planets Coffee Mug ( $12 ) | $18 Air [ ] 16 page VGA Planets News Letter Issue 1 ( $3.75 ) | $5 Air [ ] 16 page VGA Planets News Letter Issue 2 ( $3.75 ) | $5 Air [ ] 4 issue Subscription (Start with Issue ____ ) ( $15 ) | $20 Air [ ] VGA Planets Mouse Pad ( $15 ) | $20 Air [ ] Two day priority mail $3 extra ( USA only ) Amount enclosed: $__________ Mail to: Tim Wisseman P.O. Box 204 North Fork, CA 93643-0204 Internet Email: VGA Planet Support BBS: (209) 877-4921 Important: Make checks payable to "Tim Wisseman" I would like to update my list of BBS's where planets is being played to help new planets players find a place to play. Do you know of a BBS where Planets is being played? BBS NAME/NUMBER____________________________________________________________